
Friendly user orientation for
healthcare professionals.

The Challenge

The Context

When doctor’s office employees sign up for CoverMyMeds, there was no onboarding within the web-platform that showed how CMM works. Users would sign up without having context for how CMM helps them complete their Prior Authorization process. Health insurance companies, who benefit from having the PA process improved with CoverMyMeds, asked us to create a site that could help with this onboarding process for doctor’s office employees.

My Role

CoverMyMeds and health insurance partners needed a digital tool to direct doctors office staff to that would increase user adoption of CMM’s platform. My tasks were to discuss the needs of doctors office staff and design onboarding landing pages that address their concerns and requirements.

The Core Concept

Establish trust with healthcare professionals by partnering with health insurance providers to send onboarding landing pages called “Welcome Mats” for introducing new users to CoverMyMeds.

Design Process

At first, the process focused around user research and insights. I worked with our user engagement team to A/B test onboarding steps with new users and talk to them about their experiences. From there, I had enough research to structure the information to the user’s needs and begin wireframes.


During wireframing, I defined the hierarchy of information on each Welcome Mat. This was then cross-referenced with our health insurance partners needs before moving forward with final designs.
Early wireframing sketches

Technical challenges

The CMM users work on a variety of machines and web browsers, many of which are outdated and slow. So the Welcome Mat sites needed to be lightweight and flexible to work on older web browsers. This meant that each Welcome Mat needed simple design elements and no complicated animations.
Previous onboarding page

User Experience and Easy Onboarding

I created several Welcome Mat sites that were tailored for each health insurance companies’ needs that were defined in the development phase. After the roll out of these Welcome Mats, our User Engagement Team saw a noticeable increase in user retention. Within 1 year, CoverMyMeds had grown from being used in 190,000 doctors offices to almost 300,000.

Additional Credits

Company: CoverMyMeds
Year: 2015
David All - Marketing Strategist
Suzy Bureau - Senior User Engagement Manager
Mike Bukach - Marketing Manager